Abstract submission > Guidelines for abstract submission



Guidelines for abstract submission


!!!! To submit your abstract, first create a LOGIN account on the Vanilla congress platform (https://vanillacongress.sciencesconf.org),!!!!

   Then log-in and go in the “My space” section under “My submissions”


Important considerations before you submit an abstract 

  • Edit and proof your abstract before submitting. IVC5 will not edit abstract submissions; they will be published as submitted.
  • All submitted abstracts will then be reviewed to be considered for an oral presentation or a poster presentation. Notifications regarding acceptance will be sent in early 2024.
  • The designated presenting author must be registered for the IVC5 Congress. Failure to register will result in your abstract being withdrawn from the meeting.
  • Abstracts should be proofed to make sure all authors and affiliations were accepted to the online form.
  • Publication of tables, charts, and graphs projected onto screens or posted at the congress by anyone other than an author or presenter is prohibited unless a release has been requested and received in writing from an author or presenter.


Submission information

After logging on the plateform (/my space/my submission), you will be requested to enter the following information (metadata):

Abstract Title

  • 200 characters maximum
  • Capitalize only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns
  • Registered names and trademarks are not permitted in title
  • Symbols (Greek, math,  etc.) must be spelled out, e.g., Beta

 Abstract text

Length limit: 1300 characters.

Select one preferred format 

  • Poster
  • Oral presentation

 Select one topic

  1. vanilla bio-ecology, diversity of resources and uses,
  2. new approaches and practices for sustainable vanilla production
  3. innovations and trends in vanilla curing and marketing.


  • Select up to three (3) keywords that best apply to your abstract


Then you will be requested to enter authors details

Enter the required fields for the authors and identify the presenting author


Terms and Conditions

By submitting an abstract to IVC5, submitters agree to the following terms & conditions:

If the abstract is accepted, I agree that the designated presenting author will present the abstract at the 2024 International Vanilla Congress (IVC5), June 4-7, 2024 in Saint Pierre, Reunion Island, France, and will register and pay the registration fee. I understand that failure to complete the above terms will result in the cancellation of my abstract submission. 

I confirm that this is an original work and that the abstract has not been previously published. I and any contributing authors, as sole proprietors of the abstract, agree to transfer copyright of the abstract to the IVC5. I understand that failure to accept the copyright transfer will result in the immediate cancellation of my abstract submission.



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