Your arrival > Getting to Saint Pierre

How to get to Saint Pierre from Saint Denis Rolland Garros airport?

Saint Pierre is about 90 km south of Saint Denis. Travel time varies from 1 to 2 hours, depending on traffic conditions.

Three ways to get there

- Public transport

o Jet car OI: Direct Airport - Saint Pierre: Jet car OI Fare €20/person, decreasing if more than three people - Time table and reservation here:  arrival on the outskirts of Saint Pierre.

o Car Jaune Zéclair (Z0): Direct from the airport to Saint Pierre via the Route des Tamarins. Fare €5/person, timetable here. Arrival at Saint Pierre bus station.

o Car Jaune Ligne T : If you'd prefer to discover the towns on Réunion's west coast. Fare €5/person, timetable here. Arrival at Saint Pierre bus station.


- Passenger car with driver (VTC)

o several companies offer this service, which must be booked in advance. The Saint Denis-Saint Pierre fare is around €125, for a vehicle that can usually accommodate 3 to 8 people and drop you off at your destination address. List of approved VTCs at the airport:

-  Car rental

o most of the major car rental companies and some local ones have offices at the airport. Please note that during peak periods the number of vehicles available is limited, so book in advance. Contacts :





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